You know the old saying, "Close a window. Another window opens." And so on. I'm saying that now. Time to close the blog.
Time to set the Wayfarers free to explore new paths on the Artist's Way or new paths
off the Artist's Way. Viv and I have talked. (It turns out there's this crazy thing that's
not on the Internet. It's called "The Phone." Cool.) We agree it's time for us to move on. I have a lot of baby blogs in the Blogger nursery, not to mention about three novels on life support. Viv has a couple of URLs ready to go.
I know -- because I have heard from several of you -- that your paths are diverging through the summer. And your creative souls are as rich as ever they were. Merely a little diverted... like mine.
Now, when I say "close the blog," I do not mean "kill the blog." As far as I know, the blog will be right here and fully operational for possibly years and years. Feel absolutely free to come here and read the old posts or leave a new post.
I'll drop by from time to time to see if weeds are popping up through the pavement. Did you ever see that show, "Life After People"? It's a vivid demonstration of how the dust bunnies would REALLY multiply if all the folks on earth left for some unknown reason. Anyway, I think our little blog may soon get overgrown with vines and have zoo animals roaming around in it. (Which would be different,
how? I hear you.) But it will still be here. For the Blogger version of Forever, however long that may be.
I'm building a new blog that's not all about the AW. It's called Lake E and I intend it to be kind of a journal, kind of an exploration, kind of an excuse to keep writing. It's at Right now, it's an empty lot. Later, we'll see.
For now, I have to say this has been great for me. You've been great, all you Artist's Wayers, from January right on till August. Isn't that fine? Take a minute to consider one fabulous thing you've learned about yourself in 12 weeks or 24 weeks or a week and a half. Whatever it's been for you.
You have absolutely everything you need to continue whenever the road calls to you. The Book. A pen. Or pencil. A notebook. Or just paper. Or just a blank wall and a crayon. A scrap of fabric. A keyboard. A knitting needle (or two.) Whatever. And you have your Artist. Waiting to go on a date with you. Standing right there. (She's got your back and you are NOT Sandra Bullock. So, lucky you.)
I have your back, too. You can take the Sherpa off the mountain, but you can't take the mountain .... rats. What does that
mean? That doesn't work. I hate it when cliches don't pan out. That's their job. To always pan out. Rats. Rats.
At any rate, you have me. My phone number. My email address. My absolutely forever promise to support your creativity in any way I can. Let's stay in touch. Or get back in touch. Let's share our projects. Our plans and goals. Our promises. Our blood oaths. Our vacation schedules, our recipes for
panna cotta. Really. I count you all among my very best and most valued friends. I get tremendous strength and encouragement simply from knowing you're in the world. Let's stay in touch. And whatever I can do to boost you along your path, let me know.
Let's give Bilbo Baggin's the last word. I love him. And you.
- The Road goes ever on and on
- Down from the door where it began.
- Now far ahead the Road has gone,
- And I must follow, if I can,
- Pursuing it with eager feet,
- Until it joins some larger way
- Where many paths and errands meet.
- And whither then? I cannot say.